Multi-publication Support

The prompts displayed by setup do not offer the option of creating more than one publication. CUE Front, however, is designed to support multiple publications. Once you have used the setup utility to get up and running with a single publication, you can switch to a multi-publication configuration by overriding the setup defaults as described in Overriding Setup Defaults.

Since setup add cannot prompt for multiple publications and blueprint.yaml cannot store settings for multiple publications, the recommended way to add extra publications to your setup is as follows:

  1. Make a copy of the setup defaults folder in your publication repo, and delete everything except blueprint.yaml and waiter-config.yaml.

  2. Add the multiple publication settings to your-publication/setup/defaults/waiter-config.yaml by manually editing the file.

  3. Remove the publication prompt definitions from your-publication/defaults/blueprint.yaml by manually editing the file.

  4. Run setup add to generate a new configuration containing the multiple publication definitions.

  5. Add information about your new publications to the nginx configuration file, waiter/docker/nginx.conf.

  6. Restart the Waiter and nginx.

These steps are described in greater detail in the following sections.