Upgrade Procedure

Before you upgrade a recipe extension, you should visit npm.escenic.com in a browser, log in using your Stibo DX credentials and view the README file for the extension you intend to upgrade. This file will contain configuration instructions for the extension, including information about any configuration changes you may need to make for the new version.

To upgrade an extension:

  1. Open recipe/package.json in a text editor.

  2. Find the entry for the extension you want to upgrade. For example:

        "@escenic/cue-front-graphql": "0.0.14",
  3. Replace the version number.

  4. Save the file.

  5. Make any required configuration changes.

  6. Restart the Cook.

If for any reason the upgraded version of the extension does not work as required, you can go back to your old version by simply reverting the changes you have made and restarting the Cook again.