Image Filters

The Cleaver can apply filters to the images it handles. By default, the Cleaver does the following:

  1. Retrieves a requested image from the Content Store

  2. Crops and scales the retrieved image as specified in the URL parameters supplied with the request.

  3. Saves the prepared image in its cache

  4. Returns the the prepared image to the client that requested it.

It can, however, optionally apply filters to the prepared image before it is cached (between steps 2 and 3).

The Cleaver does not, however, have any built-in image filtering functionality: all it does is provide a convenient mechanism for running external image processors such as ImageMagick. The image processor must already be installed in the Cleaver's local environment. If, for example you want to use the Cleaver to apply ImageMagick filters to cropped images, then you must first of all make sure that ImageMagick is installed in the same environment as the Cleaver (that is, in the same container).