Configuring URL-GraphQL query mappings

The GraphQL query that is executed to retrieve content for any given URL is determined by the cue-front-extension-path-mapper recipe extension. cue-front-extension-path-mapper does this by applying mapping rules specified in cook-config.yaml.

By default, cook-config.yaml contains the following mapping rules:

    - name: @escenic/cue-front-extension-path-mapper
        directory: "esi"
          match: '\.esi\/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)'
        base-name: "$1"
        - BASE
    - name: @escenic/cue-front-extension-path-mapper
        directory: "."
        - TYPE-SECTION
        - TYPE

These rules basically say:

  • The response for any URL that starts with the string .esi/ will be generated by the query called esi/base-name.graphql where base-name matches the URL segment identified by $1 (in this case, the remainder of the URL – so long as it only contains alphanumeric characters and hyphens). This rule is using the BASE lookup algorithm.

  • The response for any other URL will be generated according to the rules described in Mapping URLs To GraphQL Queries, using the TYPE-SECTION and TYPE lookup algorithms.

cook-config.yaml may contain as many of these mapping rules as you need. The rules are applied in the order they are defined in cook-config.yaml, and the first rule to match a URL is used. The same applies when multiple lookup algorithms are applied within a single rule as in the second rule above: the first algorithm to get a match wins.

For a full description of all the available cue-front-extension-path-mapper lookup algorithms and how to use them, see the cue-front-extension-path-mapper README file.