Ensuring Plug-in Data is Handled

The Fridge Stocker constantly monitors the Content Store for content changes, and pushes those changes to the Fridge, ensuring that the Fridge contains a true copy of the Content Store. However, the Fridge Stocker does not monitor changes to additional data managed by Content Store plug-ins. The following plug-ins generate or manage data that the Fridge Stocker does not monitor:

  • Menu Editor

  • CUE Live

  • Poll

You can, however, ensure that changes to data managed by these plugins propagates through to the web site by configuring the Fridge's nginx cache to use its standard expiration mechanism for the paths used by the plug-ins. To configure nginx you need to edit the Fridge's config file, fridge.conf, which you will find in your CUE Front installation's service/fridge folder. For each of the above plug-ins installed at your site, add an entry containing the proxy_cache_valid parameter as follows:

location ~ ^/menu-webservice/ {
  proxy_pass http://$http_host$request_uri;
  # Valid for 1 hour
  proxy_cache_valid any 60m;

location ~ ^/poll-ws/poll/.* {
   proxy_pass http://$http_host$request_uri;
   # Valid for 20 seconds
   proxy_cache_valid any 20s; 

location ~ ^/live-center-presentation-webservice/.* {
   proxy_pass http://$http_host$request_uri;
   # Valid for 20 seconds
   proxy_cache_valid any 20s; 

The proxy_cache_valid parameters sets the expiration time for content on the path specified with location. Content items are marked as expired after the specified time has elapsed, and will be retrieved from the Content Store the next time they are requested. For the examples shown above, this means that:

  • Any menu changes that are made may take up to an hour to propagate through to the web site.

  • Poll and CUE Live data changes will only take up to twenty seconds to propagate through to the web site.

You can set proxy_cache_valid to whatever time period you think is acceptable in each case. For further information about the proxy_cache_valid parameter, see http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_cache_valid.

If you add these settings to an existing Fridge configuration, you should be aware that the changes only apply to newly cached objects. You will therefore need to manually clear any existing content from the cache for the affected plug-ins.