Monitoring Log Messages

The easiest way to monitor log messages output by the CUE Front services is to use a web-based log management tool. There are a number of commercial log management services available, such Loggly. Dozzle, however, is a freely available open source solution that works well together with CUE Front. It is itself available as a Docker container, making it very easy to install.

To install dozzle, enter:

docker pull amir20/dozzle:latest

Then to start it, enter:

docker run --name dozzle -d --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 8888:8080 amir20/dozzle:latest

You will then be able to view the logs of all Docker containers running on your machine at localhost:8888. If you want to use a different port, just modify the command accordingly.

It is, of course possible to view the same log messages by simply entering:

docker-compose logs -f

in a terminal window, but Dozzle output is much more useful because it provides a separate log for each container:


To switch between logs, simply select from the menu on the left.