Enabling User Tracking

CUE's user tracking feature must never be activated unless you have first entered a written agreement with Stibo DX.

CUE's user tracking feature is a product development aid intended to help Stibo DX developers improve the CUE user experience. When it is enabled, CUE user activity is monitored, recorded and sent to Stibo DX for analysis, where it may be stored for up to six months. The data captured includes button clicks, link clicks, page views, JavaScript errors, browser types and geographic regions. No personally identifiable information is collected: IP addresses are 2-byte masked blocks and cookie user IDs contain no personally identifiable information. Nevertheless, the collection of such data is strictly controlled by law in many countries. Therefore, this feature should only be enabled if:

  • The customer's CUE users have consented to the collection of the data

  • The customer has granted Stibo DX permission to collect and use the data, in writing

To enable user tracking, add the following property settings to one of your configuration files:

  enabled: true
  customerId: 'jira-project-key'

If the analyticsConfig property is not present in your configuration or if analyticsConfig/enabled is set to any value other than true, then the user tracking feature will remain disabled.

analyticsConfig/customerId must be set to your organization's project ID in the Stibo DX Jira system (that is, the project key you use when reporting CUE bugs to Stibo DX). In other words if your CUE bug report URLs end with /MYPROJECT-nnn, then your customerId is MYPROJECT.