Editing Content

Once you have created or opened a content item, editing is simply a matter of clicking in the fields in the content editor and entering/editing content in the usual way. Different types of content items have different fields: they are customer-defined, so the content items in your particular system may have different fields from the examples you see here.

Content item fields are usually divided into groups that are displayed on separate pages. The group names are listed at the top of the content editor, and you can switch between the pages by clicking on the group names. The most commonly-used fields are displayed in the first, default group, while less-used fields are relegated to the other groups.

A content item can contain many different kinds of fields, designed to hold different kinds of values (plain text, formatted text (called rich text), numbers, specific values such as keywords, and so on. Many fields have constraints that limit what you can enter, such as maximum string lengths or minimum/maximum numerical values. Any fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields: until you have specified an allowed value in all required fields, the Save button is disabled so that you cannot save the content item.

When you edit a field, you'll see that a lock symbol is displayed below the field, indicating that the field is now locked by you – in order to prevent conflicts, nobody else is allowed to modify this field until you have saved your changes. Once you save your changes, the lock is removed, and other people can make changes to the field. Occasionally, you may notice that a field you want to edit is locked by somebody else, and you cannot change it.

Above all the fields in a group is a formatting toolbar:


This toolbar is only enabled when you are editing a rich text field.

You can copy text into a content item from other content items, from other browser tabs/windows or from other applications such as Word or Excel either by copying and pasting or by dragging and dropping.

You can preview the current state of the content item at any time by clicking or pressing the graphics/preview-button.png button below the editor.

To save your edits select the Save button below the editor.

On the left hand side of a CUE content tab are two buttons, graphics/search-button.png (Search) and graphics/recent-button.png (Recent). They have the same purpose as these buttons do on the home page (displaying search and recently opened panels) but in this case, the panels they display are just side bars. This allows you to search for other content while you are editing a content item – so that you can, for example, add them to the content item you are working on as relations. For more about this, see Managing Relations.

On the right side of a document tab is a column of buttons that you can use to display the document's attributes panel. Each button displays a different part of the attributes panel:


Displays General info – general information about the document.


Displays Sections – the sections to which the document belongs. You can add/remove the document to/from sections here: see Adding Content to Sections for details.


Displays Authors – the authors of the document. You can edit the document's list of authors here: see Changing a Document's Authors for details.


Displays Related – the documents related to this document. You can add and remove relations here: see Managing Relations for details.


Displays Tags – the document's tags. You can add and remove tags here: see Tagging Content for details.