SSE Proxy Set-up

You need to add a setting to your Content Store's SSE Proxy. The Content Store uses SSE (Server-sent Events) to send information about content changes to CUE clients, so that CUE does not need to poll the Content Store for changes. The Content Store sends these SSE notifications via an SSE Proxy, a lightweight web proxy installed somewhere in the network. For general information about the SSE Proxy and how it is installed and Configured, see SSE Proxy.

In order to be able to work with video or audio content in CUE, you need to add an extra back-end service definition to the SSE Proxy's sse-proxy.yaml configuration file. The file will already contain a back-end service definition for basic Content Store events that should look something like this:

  - uri: ""
      username: "someuser"
      password: "verysecret"

All you need to do is add a second service definition with the URI http://engine-host:port/webservice/escenic/video/mediaStatusSSE. engine-host and port should be the same as for the existing entry, and so should the user name and password. For example:

  - uri: ""
      username: "someuser"
      password: "verysecret"
  - uri: ""
      username: "someuser"
      password: "verysecret"